Google Goes 4.0
Currently in beta, Google Analytics 4.0 is already poised to change the industry. GTO Group Associate Search Director Scott Litvack breaks down its unified app-website aggregation, event-driven model, and powerful AI support, so that you can bring 4.0 to your digital teams.
Marketing in a Cookieless Future
Signaling the end of an era in digital communications, all major browsers will cease supporting third-party cookies by the end of 2021. GTO’s Engagement Strategist details the impact of that change and shares some tools marketers can use to drive success in the cookieless future.
Google’s New Page Experience
Google is, yet again, updating the way it ranks websites to reflect the growing importance of user experience. Here’s what you need to know.
Data Intelligence Partner Strategy
As pharmaceutical marketing benefits from advances in data availability and analysis techniques, marketers are called upon to select data and analytics partners.