Digital Transformation Leaders & Laggards
Explore the emergence of “digital leaders” and “digital laggards” and what an organization finding itself behind the digital transformation curve can do to pull forward.
Baking Humanity Into Your Data
Explore some reasons behind data mishaps and recommendations marketers can incorporate into research protocols.
Paid & Organic Search News: What You Need to Know
A lot is happening in the paid and organic search space right now, so we’re providing an overview of the key things you need to know.
Technology Applications Transforming Healthcare
Explore real-life technology applications demonstrated at CES that are transforming healthcare today and tomorrow.
Impact of the Antitrust Case Against Google
We explore some possible implications of the antitrust suit and what it could mean for marketers in the future.
Data Intelligence Partner Strategy
As pharmaceutical marketing benefits from advances in data availability and analysis techniques, marketers are called upon to select data and analytics partners.
The Power of Independent Agencies
While holding companies struggle with red tape, independent agencies are focused more than ever on client service and great work.
Why The Future of Rare Disease Care is Digital
AI, elevated algorithms, and social platforms can help connect the often unseen dots and create a new future for rare disease patients.
Hear From A GTO Pioneer, Amanda Powers-Han
CMO, Amanda Powers-Han, sat down with PharmaVoice to discuss her 20 years with GTO, challenging the status quo, and the direction she envisions for media, data, and beyond.
The Elements of Effective Connection
Due to COVID, content is becoming bigger than just words on a page. It can be about the experience, utility, innovation, and data, but ultimately, it needs to be about connection.